Chrome Extension
Google manifest is now v3.
Build for local
ruby build/build_v3.rb
Build for production
You will need Terser (ES6 minifier) -> npm install terser -g
ruby build/build_v3.rb production
How to Load Unpacked Version:
Build for local - instructions above. Go to: chrome://extensions/ Then 'Load Unpacked', and choose the folder called: [toconline/business]_extension inside the repo
How does it work
source_extension_manifest_v3/js/contentScript.js This file is where we establish communication with TOConline / Business. Some base64 hard-coded strings (platform and platform-extension) are exchanged as to establish a connection, just making it a little bit harder for curious unpackers of our extension.
source_extension_manifest_v3/src/bg/background.js This file is where the magic happens. It's a little hard to explain it all, but basically, it receives a payload, with the instructions to follow, making it as dynamic as possible, and thus making the payloads come from TOConline/Business, I've only ever changed this to add new features that weren't possible before.
Payload features are represented as:
Logout (url, timeout)
Login (url, actions*)
Follow = actions*
Finishing actions
Think of it as instructions for the extension to follow. actions* This is where we give instructions to the page. currently supports: (element-click, input-value, form-submit, fetch-json, get-element) and custom. The names should be pretty straight forward, you could do it all with custom, but the helpers help a lot (as intended).
You can see the payloads in the toconline repository: web-ui/src/vault-config.js "just_login" sample of AT (Autoridade Tributária)
Should be easy to understand. Also, notice element is always xPath (the parser is on the extension). Everything in {**} found in the payloads is to be replaced with the variables defined on the Acesso Direto page.
Last updated
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